Site offers some interesting details about implant materials and how doctors select the materials to use.

This site has some interesting details about implant materials including info about grafts.

Overview of facial implant types, includes some items which might be considered facial fillers also.

Good info about silicone implans.

Good infomormation about polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex) implants.

This site has photos of polyethylene (MEDPOR) implants and shows skull placement areas.

Detailed site about polyethylene (MEDPOR) implants.

Some studies and literature review of polyethylene (MEDPOR) implants.

Later in the future I will also be adding links for Plasti-pore, Seramic, Polyamide-mesh, methyl methacrylate, porous hydroxyapatite, Biocoral, Biofax, Proplast, Teflon and porous polyethylene.

Facial Feminization surgery and Sex Reassignment Surgery surgeon listings

Trinity’s Facial Feminization surgery FFS and Sex Reassignment Surgery SRS index